Yamaha Snoscoot 80 Tracks
Yamaha Snoscoot 80 Tracks
We offer high-quality replacement tracks for the classic Yamaha Sno-scoot. Yamaha discontinued the original track a few years ago, so we stepped up to the plate and worked with a track manufacturer to make these tracks for us. It took 11 months of development and multiple test tracks, and we now have a durable track design that fits great and has been out for multiple seasons.
WE SELL 106" LONG TRACKS FOR THE SNO-SCOOT 80 and proper length tracks for Sno-sports (listed on the Sno-sport Common Parts page). The "long" tracks have another 6 sets of windows over the stock size Sno-scoot track, so they put another 12" of track on the ground, totaling 106" in length. We are even selling these tracks for a fair amount less than what we last offered the original Yamaha track for! These tracks fit all 1988-1990 Yamaha Sno-scoot models.
106" "long tracks" DO NOT include parts or instructions to lengthen your rear suspension skid, but Chinook Fabrication and design in Ottawa, Canada sells a rear suspension extension kit. Please see the section below for info on that.
Click HERE to see our detailed removal and installation instructions for stock size tracks.